Having a backyard pool offers countless hours of fun for your family and friends. However, it also brings a lot of responsibility along with it. Cleaning and maintaining your pool takes time, effort, and money. In addition to cleaning it and keeping the chemicals balanced, you’ll also need to keep an eye out for pool leaks. These can be more difficult to spot than your average plumbing leaks since the water often seeps into the surrounding soil and isn’t visible. But there are a few ways you can still spot them. Keep reading to get tips on pool leak detection in Sacramento.
tips on pool leak detection
Water Loss
Consistent water loss is a sure sign of a pool leak. However, your pool will also lose water to splashing when the pool is in use, as well as simple evaporation. So how do you know if that dropping water level is normal or a pool leak? Here’s a good way to test it:
- Get a 5-gallon bucket and place it on the top step of your pool, weighing it down with a large rock on the inside of the bucket.
- Fill the bucket until the water level inside the bucket matches the level of the pool water.
- Leave the bucket in place, and don’t use your pool for 24 hours.
- If you check the bucket the next day and the water level is higher than the pool, then your pool is leaking somewhere.
Because the bucket is exposed to the same evaporation level as the rest of your pool, this method is probably the most accurate way you can test for a leak on your own.
Cracks in the Pool
Cracks in the pool’s finish don’t always indicate a leak, but they can lead to one if they’re not taken care of. Just like a crack in your windshield, those cracks in your pool’s frame can spread, deepen, and allow water to seep into the surrounding soil. If you notice cracks, have them patched up quickly.
Air in the System
Pool leaks aren’t always in the pool’s structure; they can also occur in your pool’s filtration system. If you notice air bubbles consistently coming from your pool’s jets, then you probably have a leak in the system. While it’s normal to get a few bubbles when your filtration system first turns on, they should quickly begin blowing only water. If bubbles continue to emit from the jets, check the system for a leak.
Shifting Pool Deck
Underground leaks can cause the soil under your pool deck to shift—making your deck shift along with it. Sections of the decking may lift or sink in certain areas, which can lead to damage to the pool deck. If you notice the deck shifting significantly (especially over a short period of time), you should have a leak detection specialist come take a look and try to locate the leak.
Loose Tiles
Pool tiles can also be a common area where leaks occur because they can hide any cracks or pinpricks that might be seeping water into the ground. Walk around your pool and tap the tiles, checking for any that are loose or sound hollow. If you suspect a leak near one of the tiles, put a few drops of food dye in the water in front of the tile. If the color simply swirls in the water, there’s no leak in that location; if it seems to get pulled into the tile, it’s following the pull of water leaking behind the tile.
If you think you have a swimming pool leak in Sacramento but are having trouble locating it, contact Bullseye Leak Detection for help.
4 Signs Your Pool Has a Pipe Leak
A pool is a respite in the hot summer months, but a leak is a gut-wrenching pit of worry until you find out where it is, how bad it is, and how much it will cost to fix it. Here are some telltale signs to help with leak detection in Sacramento that also will help you identify where that leak is located.
Standing Water Near Pool Filtering Equipment at the Equipment Pad
Of all the types of leaks you can have, this is probably the most preferable because it is the most easily fixed and generally causes the least amount of water loss. It could be a leaky valve or gauge that has blown o-ring or bracket on the filter. It could be a seal has given out on the pump or there is a crack in the inlet or outlet piping. Regardless, water leak detection of this sort is easy with a visual inspection of the equipment, tracing the standing water back to its dripping source. that traces the leaking fluid back to its source.
Losing More than a Quarter Inch of Water a Day
Losing this much water daily is much more insidious in that it likely means you have an underground piping problem or an issue with the pool structure itself. that is underground (especially if you do not see any pooling of water). The best method of pool leak detection, in this case, is to track over a 24 to 48-hour period week how much water is going missing. A simple isolation or bucket test will do the trick. If it is losing more than would normally evaporate in the summer heat anything more than ¼ inch, generally speaking, you probably have a leak. To help pinpoint where it is without digging up your entire yard, a professional leak detection company has an arsenal of pool inspection and electronic leak detection tools available. There are several electronic leak detection options that most pool maintenance services will have available.
Cracked Decking or Loose Tiles
All in-ground pools settle, and in most cases, there is no need to worry about cracking. Abnormal settling or popped tiles, however, can be a warning sign that water is getting behind the pool structure your pool tiles. In extreme cases of leaking, the ground under and around the pool can become disturbed, and that can lead to the pool decking shifting enough to cause a crack. The best leak detection, in this case, is visual observation. If you notice unusual settling, cracking, or tile loss, you likely have a leak and then testing the ground for signs of saturation.
Pool Pump and Filter Fittings Skimmer and Above-Ground Plumbing
The PVC equipment and piping for your pool fittings that hold your pump and filtering system together are pretty rugged, but prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays water or pressure can cause them to degrade. When you notice cracking, yellowing, or discoloration of the plastic, that you can be sure you may have at least the start of a leak.
Abnormal Water, Chlorine, and/or Salt Consumption
A pool that sheds water constantly will be reflected in your water bill. Monitoring that bill and investigating sudden inexplicable spikes in water usage, particularly if they are not explainable, is an almost iron-clad ironclad indicator you have a leak somewhere on your property. Water use is pretty steady month in and month out. A sudden spike, particularly a large spike, indicates that something is pulling abnormal amounts of water. One way to narrow down the possible source of all that water use to your pool is to monitor the pool’s auto-fill. Is it running all the time? If you don’t have an auto-fill, are you constantly turning on the hose to fill your pool? If the answer is yes, your pool is leaking. Another telltale sign that your pool leaks is always having to rebalance the chemicals (or add salt if it’s a salt-water system). If you take care of these things yourself, pay close attention to changes in routine pool care. If you have a pool service, ask if they’re seeing changes in chemical or salt usage. A little sleuthing can lead you to the culprit of those higher household bills: a leaky pool. things it might not be like a leak in your home or increased shower usage, and if you get down to the pool being the last possible leak source, you know you have an issue.
Why Is Swimming Pool Leak Detection Tricky?
If you have an in-ground swimming pool, you likely know how tedious it can be to maintain it. Your pool has many varying components that all work together to keep your pool clean. These components include the water filter, heater, pump, chlorinator, and drainage pipes. When one of these components is jeopardized, it can cause your pool to become filthy or even drain over time. Many homeowners suspect that their swimming pool has a leak, but are unsure how to determine if their suspicion is true. Detecting leaks is incredibly difficult for a number of reasons. You’ll likely not be able to spot a tiny crack in your pool lining with the naked eye, and some leaks can even occur underground. While there are some DIY methods to check if your swimming pool has any leaks, your best bet is to call on a company that specializes in pool leak detection in Sacramento. Not only will they be able to detect leaks before they become bigger issues, but they’ll also provide immediate repair services that ensure your pool is in tip-top shape. If you own an in-ground pool, read on to learn why it’s so difficult to detect pool leaks.
Evaporation vs. Leakage
It’s important to know that your pool will naturally lose water due to evaporation. You’ll also lose some pool water due to splash-out. However, evaporation won’t cause your pool to lose more than a few inches of water on a weekly basis. If you’re having to regularly add a few inches of water to your pool, you may have a leak on your hands. Don’t chalk up moderate amounts of lost water to evaporation. Err on the side of caution and have a professional inspect your pool for leaks.
Leaks Are Often Minuscule
All it takes is one microscopic crack to slowly cause your pool to lose water. Swimming pool leaks can occur around light fixtures, plumbing fittings, and liners within your pool. Since there’s no shortage of spots where leaks can occur, detecting them can be nearly impossible without the assistance of a professional. While a small leak may not seem like much, it can end up becoming a major problem if not handled promptly. If you have any reason to believe your pool is leaking, take action right away and have a pool repair expert inspect your swimming pool.
There Could Be Multiple Leaks
Often, when one leak is detected, others are likely present. That means if you’ve successfully patched up a pool leak but are still noticing depleted water levels, there could be another leak that needs repairing. Your pool lining is only one of several places where a leak can occur, which is why it’s important to check every component of your pool for potential cracks. The only way to know for sure is by having a thorough inspection performed.
Cracks Can Occur Underground
If you’ve inspected your pumps, filters, and lining for cracks but haven’t found any signs of damage, know that leaks can occur underneath your pool. Your pool relies on an intricate piping system that distributes, filters, and controls the water being used. It’s not unheard of for underground piping to deteriorate over time. If you believe your pool is leaking but can’t find the source on the surface level, have a professional come by to inspect your underground piping.
Contact Bullseye Leak Detection, Inc. if you’re in need of professional pool inspection services. We can detect any leaks and provide timely, cost-effective repairs.
Understanding the Various Types of Pool Leaks
A pool can be a backyard oasis in a residential setting, or it can be an attraction for your business if you’re in the lodging industry. There’s just something about the beckoning call of a crystal-clear pool that draws people into the outdoors. Regardless of whether your pool is residential or commercial, it can be a welcome addition to your landscape that provides years of cool, refreshing enjoyment.
That said, pools can also be a source of consternation when you experience problems. One of the most common problems that pool owners must confront is a swimming pool leak in Sacramento. There are numerous causes of pool leaks, and whether they stem from natural or manmade catalysts, they can all deplete your budget and turn what was once a source of relaxation into a frustrating debacle. Just finding the source of leakage can be problematic. Leaks can occur anywhere in your pool and finding them may require you to hire professionals specializing in pool leak detection in Sacramento. Keep reading to learn more about the various types of pool leaks you may encounter, and what it will take to repair them.
Structural Damage
Pools are quite simple when it comes down to it. They are made of three primary components. Those components are the structural, the plumbing, and the mechanical devices. One of the most common sources of pool leakage is damage to the structure of your pool, which is the part that holds the water. Most pools are made of either gunite, fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but all can experience damage that can result in costly leaks. Vinyl pools contain liners that can be torn or perforated, which will lead to water loss. Ground movement, whether natural or manmade, can result in cracks in gunite, concrete, and fiberglass pools that may start out small, but can quickly spider into water-draining damage. The coatings applied to gunite and fiberglass can break down over time, which can allow water to seep in and begin to form cracks. The best way to prevent major damage from any structural cause is early detection of the leak. Once the leak is found, it can be easily repaired. This can save you thousands in future repair costs and water bills if the leaks are left are repaired quickly.
Plumbing Damage
Your pool is not a static system but is in constant motion. The water in your pool moves in a cycle through your system, where it is filtered, treated, and kept clean and clear. For that to occur, your pool must be plumbed with piping to provide a channel for water to move throughout the system. As is the case with your household plumbing, pool plumbing can be resilient and last for many years without fail. However, when it does begin to leak, tracking those leaks can be difficult. Much of your pool plumbing is subterranean, which means locating leaks can mean excavating or hiring a company that can help find your swimming pool leak in Sacramento. If your plumbing leak is underground, you may begin to see dirt drawn into your pool. You may also notice large wet spots or puddling in your yard near pool plumbing, which is a sure sign of a leaky pipe.
Mechanical Damage
Just as your pool relies on plumbing to move water throughout the system, it also needs mechanical components such as pumps and filters to keep water in optimal condition. Your pump must be properly sealed, though those seals can fail and allow water to seep from your system. When that occurs, you may see a puddle on the floor of your pump room. While leaky seals in your pump may not result in massive water loss, it can lead to damage of the pump since its motor must remain dry. Often, leakage in the pump can be corrected by replacing the impeller or the shaft seal.
Create a Swimming Pool Maintenance Checklist
Maintaining a pool isn’t a very easy task and requires a lot of time, effort, and commitment. Many Californians remove their pool covers and get their swimming pools ready for use as the weather warms up. If you’re one of them, it’s not only essential to make sure your pool is in proper shape before using it the first time—you should try to keep it in excellent condition throughout the year. Keep reading to get tips from our pool leak detection specialists in Sacramento on maintaining your pool and preventing pool leaks.
Weekly Tasks
When making a maintenance checklist for your pool, breaking the tasks down into weekly, monthly, and quarterly tasks is often easiest. So, let’s start with your weekly tasks. Here are the main things you should be doing at least once a week to keep your pool water clear and your equipment functioning properly:
Skim off leaves and debris
Skimming is one of the most basic tasks that any pool owner will need to perform. Depending on conditions in your area (high winds, trees growing over the pool, etc.), you might actually have to do this more than once a week. Use a skimmer to remove all leaves, sticks, insects, and other debris from the pool’s surface. Doing this while the debris is still floating can prevent stains on your pool’s surfaces, which is why you should do it as often as needed.
Brush walls and floor
After you’re done skimming, you should grab a long-handled pool brush. Dirt and algae can cling to the pool’s walls and settle to the floor, so scrub them off and push them towards the pool drain.
Vacuum the pool
After you’ve loosened all dirt and algae clinging to the surfaces, it’s good to use a pool vacuum (either automatic or manual) to ensure that everything you’ve loosened gets removed from the pool. While you may be tempted to rely on the pool’s filtration system to get that gunk out of your pool, it’s simply not powerful or fast enough to filter all of it out before any of that dirt or algae resettles onto surfaces.
Test the pool water
Your pool’s chemicals are vital to maintaining clear, beautiful, clean water to swim in. Make sure you have a test kit to check the pH and chlorine levels weekly. If needed, add chemicals to adjust those levels.
Empty the pump basket and skimmer
If these become too clogged with debris, the pool’s motor can overheat.
Check the pressure gauge
It’s a good idea to give this a quick glance to ensure everything is as expected.
The good news is that weekly tasks are the lengthiest list, so you don’t have to worry about your monthly or quarterly checklists adding a great deal more to your to-do lists. Here are the pool maintenance items you should perform every month:
Test salt levels
This is only for saltwater pools. As mentioned above, if you have a chlorinated pool, you’ll test those levels weekly. Saltwater pools need salt levels tested each month, and you’ll need to adjust those levels based on the test results.
Lubricate O-rings
The pump’s filter, lid, and valves all have O-rings that experience some normal wear and tear. If you lubricate them monthly, they’ll last longer. If you do notice any cracking in these rings during your monthly lubrication, remove and replace them.
Check for leaks
Inspect your pump, valves, and other pool equipment for any sign of leaks on at least a monthly basis. If you have any reason to suspect you have a pool leak, contact our leak detection experts to pinpoint and repair it right away.
Quarterly maintenance tasks can differ for your pool depending on the season. For example, you’ll want to winterize your pool in the last quarter of the year and tune it up near the end of the first quarter as you prepare to use it again. In addition to these seasonal tasks, you should also check your filters quarterly. This includes your cartridge filter, D.E. filter, and sand filter, depending on the type of pool and filtration system you have.
If you need a professional inspection and pressure test to determine if your pool has a leak, contact Bullseye Leak Detection today. Our swimming pool leak detection company in Sacramento is one of the best in the industry. Whether the leak is in the pool’s surface or the pump system, we’ll find and repair it quickly so that you can get back to enjoying your pool and the warmer weather. Contact us today to schedule your inspection or repair.
How to Maintain Your Pool to Avoid Leaks
If you own a swimming pool, you know how important it is to maintain it properly. One of the most common problems that pool owners face is a swimming pool leak. A leak in your pool can be costly and frustrating, but the good news is that there are things you can do to prevent it. Keep reading to learn some tips on how to maintain your pool properly so that you can avoid developing a swimming pool leak in Sacramento.
Keep Your Water Balanced
The first step in preventing swimming pool leaks is to keep your water balanced. Proper water balance is essential to the health of your pool and its components. When your water is too acidic or too alkaline, it can corrode your pool’s plumbing and cause leaks. This is really only applicable for older pools with copper plumbing, but regular testing and adjusting of your pool’s pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels can help prevent that sort of damage in that case.
This can be extremely difficult during the summertime, when the California sunshine causes a significant increase in evaporation rates. During these months, you’ll probably feel like you’re constantly having to add water to your pool, and therefore, adding chemicals to your pool as well. However, it’s essential that you do not allow your weekly chemical tests to slide, and that you are vigilant about maintaining those proper levels in order to protect your pool’s plumbing and prevent leaks.
Monitor Your Water Level
Another important aspect of pool maintenance is monitoring your water level. As we mentioned above, evaporation can cause those levels to drop more quickly than normal during the summer months. (Plus, excessive drops in water levels could indicate you have a leak in the structure of your pool already.) In addition to this, however, overfilling your pool can cause leakage through areas not constructed to handle water at those higher levels and make your pool appear to leak when its actually just overfilled. On the other hand, if your water level is too low, your pool pump can run dry and cause damage. It’s essential that you fill your pool to proper levels so that the pump can work properly and not become damaged, leading to leaks in your pool equipment.
Check Your Pool Equipment
Speaking of your pool equipment—including your pump, filter, and heater—you likely know that these elements are essential to the proper functioning of your pool. Regular maintenance and inspections of your equipment can help prevent leaks. Check for any signs of corrosion or wear and tear, and replace any damaged components immediately. Make inspecting your pool equipment a monthly task for your household, and don’t forget to schedule regular swimming pool inspections and tune-ups from a professional. It’s a good idea to do these at least twice a year: once before summer sets in, so you can ensure it’s ready for swimming season, and another time as the weather cools down, so you can properly winterize your pool.
Keep Your Pool Clean
A clean pool not only looks great, but it can also prevent leaks. Debris, such as leaves and dirt, can clog your suction line and cause it not to function. Regular cleaning of your pool and skimmer baskets can help prevent clogs that lead to leaks in the plumbing. Dirt accumulation and algae growth on your pool’s surfaces can take its toll over time and lead to damage to the pool’s structure, which can crack and leak. So the next time you want to skip on skimming your pool free of dirt and debris, remember that it’s not just about looks; you’re protecting your pool from long-term damage.
Inspect Your Pool’s Structure
Finally, it’s important to inspect your pool’s structure for any signs of damage. Cracks in your pool’s plaster or tiles can allow water to seep through and cause leaks, which will worsen in time. It’s also worth inspecting the area around your pool for any signs of issues that might contribute to the development of leaks. For example, do you have trees that are planted close to your pool? Regular inspections can help you identify any potential problems and address them before they become bigger issues.
Contact Us to Schedule a Pool Inspection
If you suspect you have a swimming pool leak, don’t hesitate to contact Bullseye Leak Detection. We offer professional leak detection in Sacramento to help you identify and fix any leaks in your pool. Our experienced technicians use the latest technology to accurately detect leaks, so you can trust that we will be able to help you find a solution to your pool problems. Don’t wait until it’s too late to address any potential leaks in your pool. Contact the expert plumbers at Bullseye Leak Detection today to schedule a pool inspection and ensure the health and longevity of your pool.